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What is breast cancer?

What is breast cancer?

Ryan 1622 18-Sep-2019

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is the most widespread invasive cancer in women, and the second main reason of cancer death in women, later lung cancer. It is the most common cancer among women. Breast cancer Symptoms involves a lump or thickening of the breast and variations to the skin or the nipple. Risk factors can be genetic, but some lifestyle parts, such as alcohol consumption, make it more likely to happen. Breast cancer is a dangerous tumor that begins within the tissues of the breast. Breast cancer occurs in both men and women.

What is breast cancer?

Progress in screening and therapy has increased survival rates dramatically since 1989. There are almost 3.1 million breast cancer survivors in the United States (U.S.). Breast Cancer survival rate is about 1 in 37 or 2.7 percent. The Breast Cancer Awareness Month, marked in countries across the world every October, helps to increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection and treatment as well as palliative care of this disease.

What are the early breast cancer symptoms? How do I know if I have breast cancer?

There are various early signs of breast cancer, so examining your breasts for any unexpected change is essential. Common breast cancer signs and symptoms include:

• A lump or inflammation in the breast, upper chest

• You might feel the lump, but not see it.

• Changes in the size or shape of the breast

• A change in skin texture i.e., puckering or dimpling of the skin

• A difference in the color of the breast - the breast may look red or inflamed

• Rash, crusting or changes to the nipple

• Any abnormal discharge from either nipple

Is there a cure for breast cancer?

Treatments are available for breast cancer that involves surgery, hormone therapy radiation therapy, and for some types of cancer, chemotherapy.

The exact type of treatment will depend on the type of breast cancer that is present and certain specific biomarkers found in the cancer cells.

For several common types of breast cancer, survival rates and outcomes are excellent when the tumor found in an early stage. There are 5 breast cancer stages. The color of breast cancer ribbon is pink.

Who are breast cancer risk factors?

Although breast cancer can affect anyone, women are at higher risk than men.

The risk of breast cancer also rises with age.

People with personal or family records of breast cancer are also at enhanced risk.

The average woman at 30 years of age has one chance in 280 of receiving breast cancer in the next 10 years. This risk rises to one in 70 for a woman 40 years of age, and one in 40 at 50 years of age. A 60-year-old woman has a one in 30 chance of developing breast cancer in the next 10 years. White women are slightly more possible to develop breast cancer than African-American women in the U.S.

Genetic Causes of Breast Cancer

Family history is a risk part of breast cancer. Both motherly and paternal relations are essential. The risk is most potent if the affected relative evolved breast cancer at a young age, had cancer in both breasts, or if she is a near relation. First relatives (mother, sister, and daughter) are most prominent in predicting risk. Some second relatives (grandmother, aunt) with breast cancer may also raise the risk. Tadalafil for men. Breast cancer in men increases the risk for all his close female relatives. Having relatives with both breast and ovarian cancer also enhances a woman's risk of growing breast cancer.

When Should Seek Medical Care for Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer happens over months or years. Once recognized, however, a certain sense of importance is felt about the treatment because breast cancer is much more challenging to treat as it grows. You should consult your health care provider if you encounter any of the following:

• Finding a breast lump

• Finding a lump in your armpit or above your collarbone that does not go away in two weeks or so

• Developing nipple discharge

• Noticing new nipple contradiction or skin differences over the breast

• Redness or swelling in the breast may hint an infection of the breast.

You should see your doctor within the next 24 hours to begin treatment. If you have redness, swelling, or severe pain in the breast and are unable to reach your health care provider, this assures a trip to the nearest emergency department.

Breast Cancer treatment

Breast Cancer treatment is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. This type of medication is given within the bloodstream to reach cancer cells throughout the body. Systemic treatments are usually prescribed by a medical oncologist, a doctor who specializes in treating cancer with medication.

The types of Treatments used for breast cancer include:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Hormonal therapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Immunotherapy

The medications used to treat cancer are continually being evaluated. Talking with your doctor is usually the best way to learn about the medicines prescribed for you, their goal, and their possible side effects. Also men use Vidalista for ED ProblemIt is also necessary to let your doctor know if you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications or supplements. Herbs, supplements, and other medications can interact with cancer medications. Learn more about your medicines by using searchable medicine databases.

There are many types of chemotherapy used to treat breast cancer. Common drugs include:

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